My so-called "inquisitive" blog [[2nd edition]]

Wasn't easy for me to be a scared white boy in a black neighborhood....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

If you want proof...

...that I'm cool, see my REAL blog. Well, the original one.

Excuse me, but

I, Christine, don't appear deep. But I'm am...or am I? Am I just bullshitting you? Maybe. BUt I won't tell you. If you know me, then I won't have to. So there.

Wait..what was I gonna say? Oh yeah.... my posts are way cooler than Chelsea's, because, well, they're actually ABOUT do I say this...oh yeah - meaningful!! Not just, "OMG, folk dancing is the shit! hahahaha."

Jk jk jk whatev, we love you Chels.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Folk Dancing [[is hott]]

Okay... as I said in the title - Folk Dancing is officially hot.


We have to do it in PE for like two weeks... It was SO crazy. And really hard. But I do have to say I enjoyed watching all of us frolic in a circle as we stepped away to really annoying music.

DUDE we're totally bringing sexy back.

Hahaha I just realized what Christine wrote below. Wow hers sounds depressing and meaningful and mine is..... just so freaking cool. =D